Over 30 members of NAIFA-Florida visited Washington D.C., May. 20-21 for the NAIFA Congressional Conference event. Highlights include:
- Member visits with Florida legislators to discuss bills and issues impacting our industry!
- Advocacy panel updating members on the latest issues impacting advisors at the national level!
- NAIFA President Tom Cothron as a guest speaker at Monday afternoon’s Orientation meeting!
- Fun, food, and fellowship for all at Monday night’s cocktail reception!
- Fun and Fellowship at Monday night’s IFAPAC Social.
- Gorgeous weather in D.C.!
Tom Cothron, NAIFA President and NAIFA-FL Member
Speaks at the Congressional Conference
NAIFA Advocacy Panel
NAIFA-FL Members on Capitol Hill
NAIFA-FL Members
NAIFA-FL Members
NAIFA-FL Members Glenn Ritchie and Michael LaPorte
NAIFA-FL Members Meeting with the House of Representatives